We all know how damaging a credit card can be to our financial position if it is not properly managed. But when the damage is already done, what solution is there? The good news is that with a debt consolidation loan, dealing with this kind of debt can be done more quickly and efficiently.
It is difficult to criticize anyone that has found themselves deep in debt as a direct result of their credit card usage. The truth is that it is all too easy to be overwhelmed by them. And given that the average American has four cards to their name, with a combined balance of $50,000, simply clearing credit card debt can be extremely difficult.
Of course, those already with credit card troubles are hardly considered excellent credit borrowers. So, when it comes to applying for a debt consolidation loan with bad credit, can the terms available make the deal as effective as we would like to think? The simple answer is Yes!
Consolidation Solves The Problem
You might wonder how we can be so certain that debt consolidation loans are an effective solution to the problems created by credit card debt. Well, the fact is that with this loan the entire debt can be cleared in one go. After all, consolidation means gathering the separate elements together to create a stronger position.
When it comes to clearing credit card debt, this is really the only way to go. Interest rates can be as high as 22%, so when a payment is missed, the missed payment fee combined with the interest can very quickly become too much to handle. In fact, a $50,000 debt can increase by as much as $1,000 each month.
Even when securing a debt consolidation loan with bad credit, the loan sum is enough to clear all of the card balances and because the interest rate is smaller, and the loan term is longer, the size of the required monthly repayment is much lower than the combined minimum repayment sums. So, savings are made too.
Bad Credit Is Generally Ignored
It might seem that having a poor credit rating is a debilitating factor when it comes to getting a debt consolidation loan, but in fact, the rating has little influence over the application at all. For a start, this kind of loan is designed to help those with poor credit scores, so approval is likely anyway.
Lenders are interested in affordability rather than any score on a credit report because the score itself only represents the credit history of the applicant, not their current ability to make repayments on time. And clearing credit card debt is dependent on being able to make the required repayments anyway.
And how is affordability established? Well, when applying for a debt consolidation loan with bad credit, the lender needs to be sure that a means to repay exists. This means that the applicant must be in full-time employment, and that they have adequate excess income to meet the repayments.
Choosing The Right Consolidation Loan Provider
So, now that the advantages of using a debt consolidation loan are clear, where can the loan be secured from? There are two choices: either go to a loan provider, or go to a consolidation company.
The loan provider is ideal when the overall debt is low, perhaps not reaching anything more than $25,000. Larger loans can be secured, but bear in mind that the responsibility for repaying the loan falls on your shoulders completely. The best of these lenders are found online, especially when seeking a debt consolidation loan with bad credit.
However, a consolidation company is best when the debt involved is extremely high. Clearing credit card debt is a challenge, and requires discipline, and a company takes control of your finances to ensure that a strict budget is stuck to.
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Why Debt Consolidation Loans Are The Simple Solution To Credit Card Debt
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