the chances of a person with a terrible credit history getting a credit card is considered next to nil. But it is possible to get a credit card with bad credit ratings, and turn your financial troubles around.
It is no secret that these cards can have a detrimental effect on the finances of someone already in financial hot water, but if applicants show themselves to be responsible and reliable, then the score matters little. Getting approval fast might be tricky, even if the waiting time is often only about 48 hours, but there are clear benefits to be enjoyed.
And with credit card companies paying more attention to income than credit history, there is always the chance for those who in the past have been foolish to be approved and be on their way to a better financial future.
Why Get a Credit Card?
It might seem foolish for someone in financial dire straits to apply for a credit card, with bad credit scores suggesting their application would be rejected anyway. But, in fact, lenders recognize that a card is just as viable a route towards financial recovery as a loan.
It comes down to the sense of responsibility the applicant has. Getting approval fast should not be a key factor in their eye, since getting these cards is not about getting a source of funds for a shopping spree. There is potential to take control of existing debt and rebuild credit status.
The fact is that credit card companies are providing consumers with a chance to clear outstanding loan balances and a structured repayment schedule. This means that slowly but surely, debts can be paid, credit ratings rise and the overall financial situations can be improved.
Getting Your Application Approved
Card issuers hesitate in approving applicants seeking a credit card with bad credit. Getting around this problem rests on a few factors, not least identifying the purpose of the card and proving an ability to afford it.
The reality is that getting approval fast is not really part of the deal, with all issuers set to consider such applications carefully. The purpose of the card is important information, with debt consolidation arguably the best motive for seeking one. This is because it shows a constructive attitude towards reigning in debt, rather than having a good time.
Being able to afford the card comes down to the card limit, interest rate charged and the available income that the applicant has. Credit card companies usually provide low limits, perhaps no more than $1,500, so the owner cannot worsen their situation. If there is enough income at hand then even with a high interest rate, everything can stay under control.
Consider a Prepaid Card
VISA is known to over prepaid credit cards that are much more likely to be approved. This is because the balance is paid in advance, so getting a credit card with bad credit is no great matter.
In practical terms, there is no real difference between this kind of card and a regular one. The chief advantage is that, by making a prepayment, getting approval fast is no problem. This basically means that the card is really a debit card, but technically, there is some credit given.
Another option for applicants is to apply for secured credit cards. These are cards that are issued on the back of some item of collateral that can be used as compensation if necessary. Credit card companies like this option because it gives them some protection. But the item is lost if the card is defaulted on.
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