It is not at all uncommon for a tax payer to have a dispute with the CRA, Canada Revenue Agency. In fact this is something that is quite common. One of the worst things that can happen during this time is that you could be issued a CRA bank freeze if the CRA thinks that you are making more income than you are claiming to them. Until the dispute is settled you might not be able to access your bank accounts or use the money that you have earned. This can be problematic for a lot of reasons, the main one being that you might not be able to pay your bills or take care of your necessities without this money.
There are times when you are going to have expenses that are claimed legitimately or when you are going to have income that you do not have to declare. The problem is that if the CRA believes that you are earning additional income and thinks that it should be claimed then they can actually issue a CRA bank freeze so that they can seize their money should you owe it to them. If this happens to you and you believe that it is unfair and unnecessary then the first thing that you should do is make sure to file a notice of objection. This is going to clarify to them that you are supposedly claiming all of your income and giving the honest answers about all of your expenses.
In some instances you might think that you are okay because you have yet to file a return. In fact this is a huge misconception because the CRA can assess your income based on different estimates of your worth. Then they can declare that this is what you owe them taxes for. If you do not have the money that you owe it is still better to file a claim and then to set up a payment plan than to try and avoid filing the claim.
In addition to what they estimate your worth at, if this happens the CRA is also going to issue you penalties. Then they will assess the interest on the amount of money that they feel was owed to them. In the end this is going to be a considerable amount more than what you would have had to pay had you just been honest about your expenses. In addition to issuing the freeze of your accounts, you could end up with a garnishment of your wages or a lien put on your home.
If any of these happen then you must first file a notice of objection in order to get the ball rolling in your favor and to help you clear up these issues legally in court. If you fall into one of these disputes it can be nearly impossible to be objective because of the situation that you are in. You might find that the best thing to do is hire someone who can help you professionally. In addition you will want to make sure that you stay on top of your most current taxes to show effort on your part.
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