Credit Card Debt Settlement: Avoid Refinancing!

When it comes to credit card debt settlement, there are many agencies that usually suggest among other options to refinance your home loan in order to obtain funds for cancelling your credit card debt. It is important for you to be extremely careful, know why certain debt settlement agencies suggest this and why you should avoid refinancing to pay credit card debt.

Within this article you’ll find the reasons why you should consider very carefully refinancing as a debt elimination option and a brief explanation of which paths are better on your way to financial freedom with long lasting results as opposed to those you would obtain by exchanging your credit card unsecured debt with a secured low interest refinance home loan.

Risks Of Working With Certain Debt Settlement Agencies

There are many debt settlement agencies that come from the heart of credit card issuing companies or financial institutions. These agencies where created so as to let credit card companies to recover their money and thus, even if they’ll provide you with solutions to eliminate your credit card debt, that solutions may not be in your best interest.

Many of these companies would suggest you to take a refinance home loan and use your home equity to repay your credit card debt. That may seem a good solution and in some cases, it can be. However, it shouldn’t be your preference, and most certainly, a debt settlement agency committed to solving your debt problems shouldn’t suggest it as your first choice.

Why Not To Refinance Your Home Loan?

Though refinancing your home loan to get extra cash and pay off your credit card debt might be a good idea. It is not the best solution. This serves best the credit card interests and not yours. Because even if you get your debt settled and eliminate it for good, if you don’t change the way you spend, you’ll keep accumulating debt once again and maybe next time you won’t be able to resort to your home equity.

Moreover, since refinance home loans generally worsen the terms of your mortgage, you are further risking your property if you fail to meet the monthly payments. And though you may be replacing expensive debt with cheaper and more affordable debt, you are also replacing unsecured debt with debt that is secured with your home. If you are not good at managing your finances (and that’s why you had to resort to debt settlement), that’s something that you’d better avoid.

What Is Behavior Modification?

That’s why those who know about this subject specifically explain that you shouldn’t resort to loans based on equity if you don’t modify your financial behavior. But what is exactly Behavior modification? It’s a process in which the borrower learns techniques on how to manage his income and expenses maximizing the efficiency in the use of income and reducing unnecessary expenses. It’s doesn’t necessarily imply changing your style of life but getting the same things you want and need at lower costs and using your income with a higher effectiveness.
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