So you have been shopping around for a binary options broker and narrowed your options down to either OptionFair or EZBinary. Now, however, you need to decide between the two, and if you are serious about getting the best value for your money, then you will need to conduct a careful side-by-side comparison of the two brokers before you make your decision. Of course, when you sign up, you should also do so through a website that will allow you to get either OptionFair rebates or EZBinary rebates, depending on which broker you eventually choose to trade with.
Both OptionFair and EZBinary offer the same rebate amounts and cover the same major categories of asset types. This already puts the two brokers on par for a large part of the possible factors for comparison.
Maximum Gain
The first main difference between the two appears when you compare the maximum gain with each broker. With OptionFair, you can have a maximum gain of up to 350%, whereas with EZBinary, the maximum gain varies greatly with the type of trading that you choose to do. The EZBinary platform features different kinds of trading, and your maximum gain with their Digital trading is only 85% but for their Touch trading, that soars to a maximum gain of 400%.
Which of these is the better choice for you depends largely on the type of trading that you prefer to do. If you have traded before and prefer straightforward trading, then perhaps OptionFair is the better choice for you in this regard because it does not have the different platforms that EZBinary has. With EZBinary, you will be better rewarded if you are willing to take the time and effort to learn about their different trading platforms and take advantage of the high maximum gain offered by their Touch trading.
Although both brokers feature assets across the same major categories, EZBinary offers over 200 different assets that you can trade on, whereas OptionFair offers only 40 different underlying assets. This is a big difference, and on the surface it seems that EZBinary should be the clear choice. However, you need to understand your own trading preferences before you make a decision based on this factor. OptionFair offers the major underlying assets, which would in fact be more than adequate for most casual traders. It is only the more sophisticated traders who are ready to start diversifying their financial holdings widely who would require the larger range of underlying assets offered by EZBinary. If you are such a trader, however, then EZBinary is the clear choice in this case.
Finally, EZBinary also offers a great many extras, whereas OptionFair offers a much more no-frills experience with mostly no extras. The extras offered by EZBinary mostly involve the provision of information and alerts through email, which can be useful for the conscientious trader who makes use of all the information at hand before deciding on a trade.
Making A Choice
While the ultimate decision rests with you and should be determined by the broker that you feel most comfortable with, OptionFair seems to be the better choice for beginner traders who need a straightforward and easy-to-understand trading platform while EZBinary is the better choice for more experienced traders. With OptionFair rebates and EZBinary rebates when you sign up through the right website, however, you should be well set to trade no matter which broker you eventually sign up with.
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