Getting Consolidation Loans With Bad Credit: Making A Difference To Credit Card Debt

There can be no doubt that credit cards are a major contributor to personal debt. In fact, in the US, the average homeowner has 4 credit cards creating a combined debt of as much as $50,000. So how can the problem be dealt with? Thankfully, being able to get consolidation loans with bad credit means there is a way out.

With the exception of a mortgage, most Americans count their credit card debt as their most worrying debt. This is partly because of the prevalence credit cards have in society, with most consumer spending being done via these plastic cards. As a result, clearing this debt alone can make a huge difference to the overall financial state of an individual.

Of course, having low credit scores means securing loan approval can be a challenge in its own way. But lenders are always open to financial solutions. With a consolidation loan, the intention is clearly constructive so approval is more likely than for regular loans. But can this loan really make a difference?

Clearing Your Credit Card Debt

The short answer to that question is Yes. What is more, because getting a consolidation loan with bad credit is not particularly difficult, it can be have an immediate effect on the financial status of the borrower. All that is needed is to secure the right terms.

Consolidation is an effective strategy because it gathers together the balances on multiple debts and replaces them with a single loan. With credit cards, for example, 4 cards with a combined balance of $40,000 can be cleared by a single $40,000 loan.

The advantage is that the credit score of the borrower is adjusted upwards to reflect the fact that these dents have been cleared. But there are other advantages to opting for a consolidation loan that show the move is worthwhile.

Lower Debt Repayment Costs

One of the biggest problems with credit cards is the interest rates charged, and the high costs that can be incurred so quickly. It does not take long for the debts to mount and the trouble to begin. But even when getting a consolidation loan with bad credit, the costs involved in clearing the debt can be much lower.

The simple reason is that the interest charged on 4 credit cards with late balances is much higher than the interest charged on a single loan repaid in line with an agreed schedule. In fact, by securing loan approval, even when the loan is $40,000, the repayments can be significantly less than the monthly minimum repayment.

The result is that funds otherwise eaten up by a credit card debt are now be freed up, and can be diverted to other debts that may need attention. In this way, getting a consolidation loan just to repay credit cards has a positive domino effect. However, the loan might also be large enough to cover all debts.

Choosing A Debt Consolidation Company

Banks and other lending institutions can offer relatively good terms to individuals seeking consolidation loans with bad credit. But these loans are usually restricted in size to perhaps $50,000. When the debt is more, then a debt consolidation company is the best option.

The companies specialize in clearing debts, especially credit card debt, and can help in instigating a strict financial schedule that should see your debt fall steadily each month. These companies will effectively clear your debt on your behalf, then accept repayments over an agreed period of time.

There are advantages, of course, to securing loan approval from regular lenders, but the key advantage of a debt consolidation company is that they take over your finances, thus removing the risk of failure. A consolidation loan is effective, but only if the debtor can stick to the schedule – which is not easy.
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