Consolidation Loans For Military Personnel: Facts To Be Aware Of

When debts have become almost too much to handle, finding a way to lift the pressure becomes extremely difficult. The debt trap is something that everyone in every walk of life can easily find themselves in, including those in the military. Thankfully there is a way out, with consolidation loans, for military personnel and others, offering a chance to clear debts and ease the burden.

A lot of advantages come with turning to consolidation, for both civilians and military members, but there are also points to carefully consider before applying for a consolidation program. Getting loan approval with bad credit is never guaranteed, but as long as the right boxes are ticked, there should be little trouble in getting the green light.

But what are these boxes, and more importantly, what issues need to be addressed in order to tick them. We take a look at just 3 of the most significant facts to be aware of before any military personnel should apply for a debt consolidation loan.

Does Consolidation Really Work?

The answer to this question is a very definite Yes. When seeking a solution to acute financial pressures it is the most effective way to handle the debts that cause the problem. The advantage of consolidation loans for military personnel is that is allows them to clear their debts completely, without prompting the negative effects that come with bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy is often the route that people take when they want to get rid of their debts once and for all. A ruling would normally influence credit matters for up to 10 years, but through consolidation it would still be possible to get loan approvals with bad credit almost immediately.

This is because the key advantage is that all of the debt is cleared in one go, thus ensuring that credit scores are improved. And because a single debt consolidation loan replaces all of the debt, and is repaid over a longer term, more cash is freed up to meet other monthly expenses.

Finding The Right Loan Source

There are a variety of loan sources out there, from the traditional lenders that can be a little expensive, to the online lenders that tend of offer superior loan deals. But when it comes to seeking consolidation loans for military personnel, the best place to go is to lenders registered with the Department of Defense.

These lenders are not just 100% trustworthy because they have been carefully vetted by the US government, but they also offer far better terms than any traditional (and even online) lenders can. They are also amongst the most accommodating lenders, with members of the military able to secure loan approvals with bad credit quickly and without fuss.

Finding these specialist lenders is not difficult thanks to the Internet. Simply search the net for debt consolidation loans for the military and see the thousands of options listed. Sifting through them is easier with the comparison sites that exist.

Advantage With Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act

For several decades now, serving members of the military have been able to benefit from extremely good discounts secured through the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act. However, unlike with many civilian loan benefits, a consolidation loan for military personnel maintains its key attributes too.

For example, according to the Act, military members on active duty are entitled to as much as 6% off their regular interest rate for the duration of the duty tour. It does not matter whether the applicant had been given approval with bad credit, or if the loans in question are from a military or civilian lender.

This means that, along with the terms of the debt consolidation loan, monthly repayments can hit rock bottom, with as little as $150 being paid each month on a $25,000 loan.
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